Higher-order functions form the foundation of functional programming, which most believe represents a higher level of abstraction than pure object-oriented programming. 高阶函数是函数式编程的基础,对比面向对象编程,函数式编程代表了更高级别的抽象。
Similarly, in functional programming constructs, you generally willingly cede details to the abstraction, reserving the times you don't to when it really matters. 同样,在函数编程结构中,您可以把细节留给抽象机制,在出现问题的时候才去关注它。
There is an old computer science joke that says that every programming problem can be resolved with just one more layer of abstraction ( or indirection). 有一个古老的计算机科学笑话:每个编程问题都可以仅仅用一个抽象层(或间接的)来解决。
Functional programming represents the next abstraction leap: ceding more mundane details such as iteration, concurrency, and state to the runtime as much as possible. 函数编程代表了下一个抽象阶段:将更加琐碎的细节如遍历、并发性和状态尽可能留给运行时处理。
At the core of functional programming is the function, just as classes are the primary abstraction in object-oriented languages. 函数式编程的核心是函数,就像面向对象语言的主要抽象方法是类。
On the other hand, object-oriented programming can be a very useful way to create abstraction, and thus resuable code. 另一方面,对于创建抽象从而创建可重用的代码来说,面向对象的编程可能是非常有用的方法。
Conventional abstraction mechanisms of general purpose programming languages such as methods and classes, are no longer sufficient for creating new abstraction layers. 通用语言中的传统的抽象机制,如方法和类,已不足以满足建立新的抽象层次的需要。
AOP ( Aspect-Oriented Programming) is a technique for separation of crosscutting concerns which expresses higher abstraction level. 面向方面编程是一种支持分离横切关注点的技术,表达了更高层次的抽象。
For contributions to practical and theoretical foundations of programming language and system design, especially related to data abstraction, fault tolerance, and distributed computing. 对编程语言和系统设计的实践与理论基础,尤其是数据抽象、容错和分布式计算方面的贡献。
Function objects are an important part of generic programming because they allow abstraction not only over the types of objects, but also over the operations that are being performed. 函数对象是一个重要的普通程序的一部分,因为他们允许抽象比类型对象还要多,而且比它正在执行的操作还要多。
Data structure have been a difficult part in studying or programming because of its abstraction and theory profundity, and case-studying teaching and programming training with realistic model is the trend of teaching reform. 数据结构一向以它的抽象性和理论深度成为学习或编程的难点,结合现实模型进行案例分析式教学与编程训练是教学改革的趋势。
Most object-oriented programming languages support data abstraction and encapsulation for information hiding. 大多数面向对象语言均支持信息隐蔽的数据抽象和封装。
This paper discusses the encapsulation of C++ programming language that is often used in C++ programming Detailed and systematical description is presented on the relationships between the private member, friend, address operation, abstraction and C++ 本文讨论了应用C++语言进行程序设计时经常遇到的封装性问题,比较详细、系统地探讨了对象的私有成员、友元、取地址操作以及抽象与封装的关系。
Secondly, we finished the hardware drive programming and called them HAL ( Hardware Abstraction Layer). The HAL was used by upper layer user or system. 第二步的工作就是完成该开发板上的外部设备驱动程序编写,把底层跟硬件相关的东西做成硬件抽象层HAL(HardwareAbstractionLayer),供上层用户或操作系统调用。
As a programming abstraction, the CIF is designed to be compatible with the existing POA framework, but also to insulate programmers from its complexity. 作为编程抽象,CIF不但能与现存POA框架兼容,而且还能使编程人员与它的复杂性隔离。
Most existing parallel programming systems suffer a low abstraction level, and parallel programming within them is difficult. 现有并行程序设计系统普遍存在抽象层次较低、程序开发困难的问题。